5. Configuration

5.1. enocean.conf

The configuration file for the EnOcean module, enocean.conf, can be found in Homegear’s family configuration directory (default: /etc/homegear/families). In this file, you can configure the communication modules used to communicate with EnOcean devices.

5.2. Communication Modules

5.2.1. Overview

The EnOcean module supports all communication modules using the TCM310:

The TCM310 can also be connected to additional SBCs using the Homegear Gateway service:

We recommend using a module with a good antenna as this greatly increases the range. The chip antenna on the USB 300 is definitely not recommended.

5.2.2. TCM310

To tell Homegear to use the module, insert the following lines into enocean.conf:

id = TCM310
deviceType = tcm310
device = /dev/ttyUSB0

Of course, you can use multiple communication modules with Homegear.

For USB devices this is all. In case you are using a UART device like the EnOcean Pi, additionally follow these steps: Free Up Serial Line and Enable UART All Raspberry Pis

ttyAMA0 or serial0 might be used by the serial console. To free it up do the following.

Remove any references to ttyAMA0 and serial0 from /etc/inittab and /boot/cmdline.txt.

Our /boot/cmdline.txt looks like this:

dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait Raspberry Pi 3

On the Raspberry Pi 3 /dev/ttyAMA0 is used by the Wifi and Bluetooth module. There is a “mini UART” available on /dev/ttyS0 by default. It is better though, to use the hardware UART and switch the Wifi/Bluetooth module to mini UART. To do that, add this line at the end of /boot/config.txt:


Additionally remove any references to ttyAMA0 from /boot/cmdline.txt. Our file looks like this:

dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait All Raspberry Pis

Make sure enable_uart=1 is in /boot/config.txt. Our file looks like this:


Disable the serial interface in Raspbian Jessie:

systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
systemctl disable serial-getty@serial0.service
systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyS0.service

Reboot the Raspberry Pi.


If you’re using the official Raspbian, you need to comment the lines containing “gpio” in file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules (place a “#” at the beginning of the lines) for Homegear to be able to access the GPIOs.

5.2.3. Homegear Gateway Certificate Generation

First you need to create certificates for the Gateway service. We don’t want an insecure gateway so there is no possibility to use it without creating them. If not done already, start by following the instructions to create a certificate authority in the Homegear manual.

First create the gateway certificates using Homegear Management:

homegear -e rc 'print_v($hg->managementCreateCert("my-gateway"));'

Replace my-gateway with an arbitrary name (it doesn’t need to be the hostname of the gateway). The name will be used to set the field COMMON NAME of the certificate. It has to be the same as set to the setting id in enocean.conf (see below).

The output of the command looks similar to:

(Struct length=5)
    (String) /etc/homegear/ca/cacert.pem
        (String) /etc/homegear/ca/certs/enocean-gateway-01.crt
        (String) enocean-gateway-01
        (String) enocean-gateway-01
        (String) /etc/homegear/ca/private/enocean-gateway-01.key

In case your chosen name contained invalid characters, commonNameUsed returns the corrected name that will be used in the certificate. certPath is the path Homegear tries to create the certificate in, keyPath the path to the private key file. The actual certificate generation starts in background. To check if the command has finished, execute:

homegear -e rc 'print_v($hg->managementGetCommandStatus());'

This returns the command output and the exit code. The command has finished if the exit code is other than 256. On success the exit code is 0. Find Gateways

If you don’t know the IP address of your gateway, you can search and print all unconfigured gateways with the following command:

homegear -e rc '$devices=$hg->ssdpSearch("urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1", 5000);foreach($devices as $device){if(!array_key_exists("additionalFields", $device) || !array_key_exists("hg-family-id", $device["additionalFields"]) || !array_key_exists("hg-gateway-configured", $device["additionalFields"])) continue; if($device["additionalFields"]["hg-family-id"] != "15" || $device["additionalFields"]["hg-gateway-configured"] != "0") continue; print($device["ip"].PHP_EOL);}' Homegear Gateway Service

If you have a preconfigured Homegear Gateway you can skip this section. This section covers the installation of the Homegear Gateway service. First setup a computer with Debian, Raspbian or Ubuntu and connect a serial communication module or USB stick.

Add the Homegear APT repository and install Homegear Gateway:

apt install homegear-gateway

Open /etc/homegear/gateway.conf and set the settings for your communication module, e. g. for an USB 300 stick on device ttyUSB0:

family = EnOcean
device = /dev/ttyUSB0

Note the configurationPassword, we need below.

Restart the gateway service.

service homegear-gateway restart

Check /var/log/homegear-gateway/homegear-gateway.log for errors. If everything is working, the logfile should say Startup complete and print a warning that the gateway is unconfigured.


To reset a gateway (make it “unconfigured”), delete the files <dataPath>/ca.crt, <dataPath>/gateway.crt and <dataPath>/gateway.key. dataPath is configured in /etc/homegear/gateway.conf. Homegear

To configure a gateway, execute:

homegear -e rc '$hg->configureGateway("<IP>", 2018, file_get_contents("/etc/homegear/ca/cacert.pem"), file_get_contents("/etc/homegear/ca/certs/<your-cert>.crt"), file_get_contents("/etc/homegear/ca/private/<your-cert>.key"), "<your-configuration-password>");'

Replace <your-cert> with the value of commonNameUsed from above, <IP> with the IP address of your gateway and <your-configuration-password> with configurationPassword from the gateway.conf of the gateway service or the password printed on your gateway.

This command transmits the certificates to the gateway encrypted with the configuration password. If no error occurs, the gateway is immediately usable.

Open /etc/homegear/families/enocean.conf on your Homegear server and add the following lines to the bottom of the file:

[Homegear Gateway]
id = <commonNameUsed>
deviceType = homegeargateway
host = <IP>
port = 2017
caFile = /etc/homegear/ca/cacert.pem
certFile = /etc/homegear/ca/certs/gateway-client.crt
keyFile = /etc/homegear/ca/private/gateway-client.key
responseDelay = 98
useIdForHostnameVerification = true

Replace commonNameUsed with the value from above (used for certificate verification) and <IP> with the IP address of your gateway.

Now restart Homegear and check /var/log/homegear/homegear.log or homegear.err for errors.