5. Adding Intertechno Devices

5.1. Switching Actuators

To add a switching actuator, you need to know three things:

  1. The ID of your communication module as configured in “intertechno.conf” (e. g. “My-CUL”).

  2. The type ID of the switching actuator to add.

  3. The Intertechno address of the switching actuator.

5.1.1. Communication Module ID (1)

Open the configuration file “intertechno.conf” and search for the line starting with “id =”. Write down the ID of the module.

5.1.2. Switching Actuator Type ID (2)

The type ID of most switching actuators is “1”. The only exception are the switching actuators from “REV Ritter”. Their type ID is “2”.

Switching Actuator

Type ID

REV Ritter


All other


5.1.3. Intertechno Address (3)

Getting the address is the most tricky part. New Intertechno Switching Actuators

For the new Intertechno switching actuators (the ones without address wheels or DIP switches) just chose an arbitrary but unique number between 1’024 and 67’108’863. Old Intertechno Switching Actuators

The old Intertechno switching actuators (with DIP switch or address wheels) are a little more complicated. First of all determine the 10-digit address with the help of the fhem Wiki. This address needs now to be converted to hexadecimal format. Let’s say, your address is “F0FF0FF00F”.

  • Replace all “F” with “1”: F0FF0FF00F => 1011011001

  • Convert this binary number into decimal format: 1011011001 => 729

In this case 729 is your address.

For switching actuators from REV Ritter additionally replace all “1” with “0”: 1FFF1FF0FF => 0111011011 => 475

5.1.4. Adding the Switching Actuator

Having the communication module ID, the type ID and the address, adding the device to Homegear is easy. Adding Devices Using the CLI

To add the device using Homegear’s CLI, start it by calling homegear -r. Then execute:

families select 16

Let’s say our communication module ID is “My-CUL” and our address is “788’351” then the command looks like this:

pc My-CUL 1 788351

The address can be in decimal or hexadecimal format.

5.1.5. Adding Devices Using RPC

You can also add the switching actuator by calling the RPC method createDevice(). The easiest to do so is by executing an inline PHP script on the command line:

homegear -e rc 'print_v($hg->createDevice(16, 1, "", 788351, -1));'

The first parameter is the family ID, the second the type ID, the fourth is the address. Parameter 3 and 5 are not needed.

Of course you can use all other RPC protocols supported by Homegear to call this method.

5.1.6. Pairing the Switching Actuator

The new Intertechno switching actuators need to be paired after they are added to Homegear. To do that, you need to plug the actuator to pair in and immediately set PAIRING on channel 1 to true. To set PAIRING from the command line, execute:

homegear -e rc '$hg->setValue(<peer ID>, 1, "PAIRING", true);'

Replace <peer ID> with the ID of the actuator.

5.2. Remotes

As with switching actuators to add a remote, you need to know three things:

  1. The ID of your communication module as configured in “intertechno.conf” (e. g. “My-CUL”).

  2. The type ID of the remote to add.

  3. The Intertechno address of the remote.

5.2.1. Communication Module ID (1)

Open the configuration file “intertechno.conf” and search for the line starting with “id =”. Write down the ID of the module.

5.2.2. Remote Type ID (2) New Intertechno Remotes

Find your type ID in the following table. If the number of buttons of your remote is missing, select the next larger one.


Type ID

1-button remote


2-button remote


3-button remote


4-button remote


6-button remote


8-button remote


12-button remote


16-button remote

0x1F Old Intertechno Remotes

Find your type ID in the following table. If your remote is missing, please contact us.


Type ID

Original Intertechno remote or sensor (1 channel)


Original Intertechno remote (4 channels)


Elro AB440




5.2.3. Intertechno Address (3)

As with the switching actuators getting the address is the most tricky part. The recommended method to find out the address is by pressing a button on the remote and watching the Homegear log. The possible addresses are logged there:

10/17/16 16:37:31.228 Please use one of the following addresses for device creation (possible device types: 0x10 to 0x1F): 0x012EE0EA or 0x812EE0EA

or for old Intertechno devices

10/17/16 16:37:31.228 Please use one of the following addresses for device creation: Intertechno multi-channel remote or sensor (use device type 0x33): 0x0080; Intertechno one channel remote or sensor (use device type 0x30): 0x0081; Elro (use device type 0x24): 0x0010

Pick the address matching your device. If your device is a 4 channel old intertechno remote - using the log line above - the address would be 0x80. If it is a 1 channel sensor (e. g. the ITM-100), use 0x81.

5.2.4. Adding the Remote

See Adding the Switching Actuator.