5. Searching Nanoleafs

Make sure the Nanoleaf module is up and running before you continue reading this chapter.

5.1. Search for Devices Using the CLI

  1. Start the CLI by executing:

    homegear -r
  2. Switch to the Nanoleaf family:

    families select 22
  3. Search for new Nanoleafs:

  4. Now ls should show all found devices.


Homegear never automatically deletes devices. You always have to delete them manually if not needed anymore.


IP address changes of Nanoleafs are automatically detected by Homegear.

5.2. Search for Devices Using RPC

You can also search for devices by calling the RPC method searchDevices(). The easiest to do so is by executing an inline PHP script on the command line:

homegear -e rc 'print_v($hg->searchDevices());'

Of course you can use all other RPC protocols supported by Homegear to call this method.